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  1. a statement that denies something, especially responsibility​​

  2. generally any statement intended to specify or delimit the scope of rights and obligations that may be exercised and enforced by parties in a legally recognized relationship [that's you, the reader, and this website/its creator(s)]

  3. yes, I am implying there is a potential for some level of uncertainty and/or risk in your involvement — should you choose to rely on anything written or displayed on this site as health or medical advise to be followed without exercising your own judgement and critical thinking skills 


Example:        "This website carries the usual disclaimer about the characters bearing no relation to living persons,

The author assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or omissions in the content of this site. The information contained in this site is provided on an "as is" basis with no guarantees of completeness, accuracy, usefulness or timeliness..."



               refusal -- my refusal to take responsibility for you or your actions.

                                I try to provide accurate information and ideas to consider in your own journey,

                                but mostly, this is a blog about stuff going on in my head. Consider it fiction.

                  denial -- I'm not certain I know who I am or what I am doing much of the time — what makes 

                                you think I am qualified or capable of providing formal medical instruction?

  disassociation -- ah.... dissociation...  no, I don't mean detachment from one's body or mental processes —

                                as in depersonalization/derealization — no, I mean that I don't know you.

                          I don't necessarily know "guest posters" either. 

                                I am not claiming to be a part of any particular group, nor do my views expressed here    

                                represent anyone else's. I don't represent any views other than my own, and the views of 

                                others on this site do not necessarily represent mine. 

        stipulation -- see below. 

                               also: user assumes all risks, injuries or loss resulting from use.

​content on the site does not take the place of a formal medical assessment by a doctor


Not a Doctor

All Information, guidance, instruction, assistance, counsel, comments, “advice”, warnings, statements made, and/or content or products displayed here on this site — — is intended for informational purposes only. It is not medical advice, nor does it replace formal medical assessment by a doctor. 


Mind-on-Mend is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. If something you have read here on this site conflicts with something your physician or other medical or health professional has communicated to you, please defer to their expertise. 


Never ignore professional medical advice in seeking treatment because of something you have read on 


If you think you may have a medical emergency, immediately dial 911, call your doctor, or head to the nearest emergency medical centre.

Views Expressed

Views, thoughts and opinions expressed are those of the authors.

Information shared is not to be taken as fact, but as opinion.


Please do not copy, reproduce, transmit, distribute, download, or otherwise transfer the website content without prior written approval from us. 


If you want to use material from (copy, reproduce, adapt, display, publish or distribute...etc.) — please — just shoot us an email at We are likely to say yes, but would like to know where our stuff is headed. Plus, we like meeting people who are interested in what we have to say. By all means, once you have introduced yourself and we are acquainted (and we approve your requested & intended use of our intellectual property), feel free to spread the love*.  Sharing is caring after all.

I hereby declare that I do not own the rights to articles, songs, other reproductions etc., shared, included or uploaded by authors/creators external to this site. All rights belong to the owner(s).


No Copyright Infringement is Intended. 

If we have mistakenly shared something you believe to be covered by your copyright, please email us at We will be happy to discuss and remedy the situation.


You must not use this Site in any way which is unlawful, illegal, fraudulent or harmful, or in connection with any unlawful, illegal, fraudulent or harmful purpose or activity. 

* Two caveats: 

Please do not copy, reproduce, transmit, distribute, download, or otherwise transfer the website content for monetary gain; 

the materials on this website may be copied (once permission is granted) for non-commercial personal use only.

The materials on this website, with express permission, may be copied and distributed so long as our copyright notice and Website address is included.



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© Mind on Mend, 2023. No part of this site,, may be reproduced in whole or in part in any manner without the permission of the copyright owner.

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