I am both here and there, and somewhere in between — transitioning.
Neither here now, nor there, caught; finding footing; finding self.
No. Not walking. Floating?
I lack the words to describe it and yet have language for all around; the surrounding spherical sideline, made plain through obscure vocab — apparently, this language too, needs a translator.
All tongues and time, sifting through their own core
… substance,
… worth
Inertial pull,
But what if I were made of light?
gone from the heaviness of life?
All heat and photons passing through — can one be both?
becoming two…
I have mass
— I have space
I matter
(attempt at humour)
The evolution of self as other
(otherworldly maybe)
apart and different — not from “them” (that constant variable was known in any event)
— but from oneself… changing states
Existence is just a phase anyway
but what a way to live!