I thought I was straddling two planes — one foot in each world,
but I feel now that I AM the two.
I become the plane.
But we don’t live in two dimensions;
we see through three.
So, I’m not the plane—or I am, but I am also more.
(…and then I kind of snap back again, to here; it’s hard to stay there long. I don’t know that our brains, as limited as they are, were meant to comprehend…).
I am sure we can/do exist in the multiple; we move through space, mark time
(it gets messy when I think of taking time out of the equation; factors, and yet doesn’t).
So, I am not simply athwart, one foot in each place, but existing in both and also trying to merge the two. Aiming to integrate the overlap… life goal — find the balance.
But there are more than two planes; multiple dimensions, universes, realities…
Are they in parallel?
Are they travelling along the same course through time?
Are they stacked?
Do they morph, or blend or bleed…?
I don’t know if these places can exist in the same space, unless perhaps internally.
But they must, mustn’t they?
In this sense, I believe our limited frame of reference mostly lacks the ability to experience the internal and external congruently, consistently; we must only catch glimpses while here in this form.
The space is vast, say, (in)conceivably infinite — maybe these realities are also straddling and coming in and out of their own phase.
For us, the apogee is of the soul, or consciousness, or whatever you want to call it.
We seek that piece of us, almost imperceptible, intangible, but known innately to be out there (belief is different from knowing, but what if this is not a theory, but rather, understanding a priori?). It is simply far from us.
But far does not mean out of reach.
It can circle back.
For the next existence, level, step in sequence… we evolve, and so too — they.
Expanding galaxies… we are all part of the cosmic dance of “growth”.
Not physically, mind you. Moving up… like a ladder. No not quite that either.
You me and the universe, a ladle of primordial transformation carrying its kin.
Existence, if we use these constructs, evolve; transcend — is that not the goal?
Exist to experience
Experience through sense
Find balance and become
Find the 5th…
In the corner of the eye; a fragment of time; just out of frame… those shadows holding too much form — do you see them? Those who have gone before, have tread space and moved on; ever shifting into new.
To my mind, we are potentially catching glimpses of, not gods, but ourselves!
Asymptotic trajectory — heading toward that unknown place, together and apart… never touching. Just out of reach… to those not there yet.
Can’t see around the bend — and yet,
we all move onward incrementally.
They say that gods exist in the periphery.
The corner of the eye is where infinity lies.
We are the perceiver and perceived — beholden to the dance; inevitable demise;
rebirth in new form.
Next time the shadow catches your eye, look slowly...
and know that you are simply becoming.